The requirements for submitting an abstract are as follows (download template here (DOCX, 364 KB)):
- The deadline for submission is February 15, 2025, 23:00 CET.
- The file format should be .docx or .doc.
- The document should include 1) Title; 2) Authors; 3) Affiliations; 4) E-mail; 5) Main text; 6) Keywords; 7) Format preference: oral presentation or poster; 8) Attendance: virtual or in-person; 9) Main contributor career’s stage: student, postdoc or professional; 10) Session preference: CPEG or CPB; 11) Applying for best student oral or poster presentation: Y/N; 12) Applying travellers’ lowest carbon footprint (corrected for distance): Y/N
- The title must not exceed 25 words.
- The main text must not exceed 300 words and should not include references, figures, or acknowledgments.
- The name of the file must contain the first author's surname and initials (e.g. Smith A.B.docx).
- The abstract should be submitted via email to by February 15, 2025 23:00 ECT.
- The email subject should include the surname of the corresponding author and initials (e.g. Abstract submission A.B. Smith).
Note: Online participats can submit an abstract for an oral presenation (a pre-recorded talk), but not a poster.
Presenter guidelines (coming soon)